Well we celerated Bella's birthday twice, once at home with grams and granddad and the immediate family and once as a last minute party at brads parents motorhome.
Bella's first cake on her b-day
our birthday girl
ava with the evil sugar look
bella enjoying her cake
the 2nd cake made by a friend/coworker of mine, thanks again karen!
her sparkly candles
this game was so fun, it had a water balloon inside and a timer and it would pop the water balloon and get whoever was holding it wet! It was basically hot potato with a water balloon.
Dominic and Sam playing dollies!
aunt Pam shuffled some of the kids to and from the campsite to the park! the kids loved it!!

micah enjoying cake-so cute!
A big Bella sandwich!
and another!
the girls watching a movie at the motorhome!
it was a nice night for a campfire, Olivia and daddy are enjoying the warmth.
we got this skitter for Isabella for her birthday, and just as I thought, Ava loves it. She has hit her "2's" and everything is "mine" well this infuriates Bella and they constantly have arguments over the current toy they are playing with and who it belongs to.

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