We got great news at the beginning of the month, Ava who previously had kidney reflux, is now reflux free!! yay no more medicine. We also found out Olivia does not have it either. So it was definitely a really good day!

Here Ava is inhaling her celebratory cupcake! she loves sweets-then again who doesn't???!

Our sweet 5 month old. Her 5 month stats from the M.D. visit: 16.4 lbs and 27.5 inches long.

this again is classic Olivia, she is sooooo strong and loud when she gets excited or really wants something (usually food)

this monkey was a riot, he actually would stick his hand out of the cage and shake peoples hand. He was talking loudly and swinging everywhere, I think he was trying to perform for the audience.

Ava loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and takes the two pieces apart and licks off the jelly and peanut butter before eating the bread. Can you tell she is my really goofy kid!

my crazy Ava!

Ava and mommy at the zoo!

Granddad and Ava looking at the elephants at the new elephant odyessy at the San Diego Zoo

Daddy and Ava enjoying the zoo.

I love facebook and I have now been able to meet up with 3 friends from out of state whom I haven't seen in 15-20 years. all of them happen to be visiting San diego and it has really made me appreciate that we live where people vacation. Here is Bella with my friends Paula and Kirk's (from high school) littlest child Sophia. These 2 hit it off immediately and got an extra special treat to stay up late and play so their parents could hang out longer. it was about 11pm by the time they went to bed.