My long time friend Tina and her husband and 3 kids came out to visit the last week of March. It was the first time they have been to San Diego and they were worried about staying with us for a full week and possibly making us crazy. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We had a fantastic time with them and enjoyed every minute of their company. We would have loved for them to stay longer and really hope they will consider another family vacation here. Our kids had a blast together. And every night after the kids were in bed we hung out and drank, went in the hot tub, played guitar hero, etc. Here are some pics from their visit.

A pic of all the kids on our daybed. These were the easiest pics to get, and we were dreading doing them. The kids were so good!

Here they are being silly

Tina and I

the 2 familys

Another pic of the Park-Garey clan. We referred to it as communal living and it was quite handy to have the extra help. Especially when we Brad went to work and we took the kids to the zoo. Couldn't have done that by myself.

Olivia in the cute onesie the Parks brought for her.

Ava and Bella at the zoo.

At seaworld

The girls being silly in our living room

on one of the sesame street rides as seaworld

Tina, Josie, and Aaron all playing with Olivia

Olivia enjoying the attention.

The standard "movie watching" face

little man Aaron

what playing in the sun at the beach does to a little one

yes that is ava asleep under all the covers on a beach chair!
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