So one of the reasons I got behind on my blogs is because we have had an endless stream of visitors. We are so lucky we live where people vacation so we can spend more time with our family and friends. Here are some pics of when the Christiansons came to visit
in our neighborhood

Even Gunnar was surprised that he liked baby Olivia so much. He told his mommy that he wanted 100 brothers and sisters. I don't think Jen and Eric were having any of it!!!

One of those infrequent pics with me in it!

Gunnar and Bella had a great time together. I know she really misses him. Here they are helping me mixing pancake batter.

So who knew you fit so many people in our hot tub. To kids it is like a pool and Gunnar is clearly outnumbered here. My friend Cheryl came to visit with us and the Chrisitiansons and brought her 3 girls!

Jen buried Gunnar and Bella and as you can tell they hated it!

Isabella went to a grassy area next to the beach and started picking flowers. I thought it would make a great picture.

Jen, Hannah, and Eric

Ava found that she was completely entertained by splashing in the bay

Ava spent almost a full hour straight picking up sand and throwing it into the water. She definitely is our free spirit

Olivia and daddy at the beach

Gunnar and bella running down the beach. This eventually turned into rolling through the sand, they had a ball.

Eric and Hannah

Jen and Gunnar building sand castles

These were some of our favorite pics taken with brads iphone. These were taken on a different day than the previous ones after we spent the day at the pool with our friend Lisa and the Christiansons

Our favorite of Ava and Hannah. We joke that it was the only time that they actually interacted with each other.
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