Monday, April 6, 2009

The Figueroas and then some

So I just dropped my brother off at the airport and we have no more visitors planned for a few weeks. So I am going to try to catch up to date with more pics. Below is some pics from the weekend the Figueroas came to visit with their little boy Mateo. Mateo watching Bella play her computer gamesMy old college roommate Kathy whom I have haven't seen in over a decade. We were able to find each other again through facebook and she and her family came out to So cal for their boys springbreak. I was so fortunate that she was able to grab some time to drive down to meet Brad and my girls. It was just so great to see her again.
Olivia doing the sprinkler

Ava being her goof self!

Isabella and Aubrey (neighborhood friend) being silly in our park.

Aubrey, Paige, and Bella being silly on the table!

1 comment:

George said...

Great phots Donna. You have a beautiful family. I can't wait to come and see you all. Had a big surprise B-Day party last week... Big 60!!! You were in several photos. Lovet to all,