So I promised myself I would try to keep up with this blogsite and my facebook page pics and have not done either!! I am playing catch up again and I think that is just what is going to happen. The pictures in this post were taken 2 months ago at the end of June. The pics of Olivia are of the day she turned 6 months. As per our MD request I did not feed her until she was 6 months old. So a few of the pictures of her first time having some cereal. As you will see she loved it. The other pics were a family "photoshoot" in our backyard with just our family and my mom who was in town for a visit from Chicago.
Olivia's characteristic smile, even bigger while she was eating food.
We couldn't feed her enough fast enough so she resorted to eating the bowl!

she is very very serious about her food. Otherwise you will only find a smile on this ones little face!

Big sister Bella ALWAYS wants to help take care of her.
Ava and Bella bumped heads and I was trying to capture the matching head bumps on their foreheads. You can see Bellas a little but not so much on Ava's face
The start of the "photoshoot" I love this one of Bella and Ava kissing!
My sweet little girls. they are so much fun!! and surprisingly easy to photograph on this particular day.

she is very very serious about her food. Otherwise you will only find a smile on this ones little face!

Big sister Bella ALWAYS wants to help take care of her.

Ava and Bella bumped heads and I was trying to capture the matching head bumps on their foreheads. You can see Bellas a little but not so much on Ava's face

The start of the "photoshoot" I love this one of Bella and Ava kissing!

Our beautiful Bella (we definitely chose the right name for her)

silly bella

sassy bella

silly bella

sassy bella
Ava saying "cheese"

Ava is 2 1/2 years old now and she is definitely the comedian of the group. Everything she does makes us laugh. Isabella calls her "knucklehead helen keller ava" (the helen keller part is from her love of shutting her eyes and walking into walls, eating with her eyes closed, etc. We don't know why she started to do it and don't know why she won't open her eyes up so she doesn't walk into things but she thinks it is funny)

she is getting to be such a big girl!

Ava is 2 1/2 years old now and she is definitely the comedian of the group. Everything she does makes us laugh. Isabella calls her "knucklehead helen keller ava" (the helen keller part is from her love of shutting her eyes and walking into walls, eating with her eyes closed, etc. We don't know why she started to do it and don't know why she won't open her eyes up so she doesn't walk into things but she thinks it is funny)

she is getting to be such a big girl!
....And then there was our angel Olivia. we could not ask for a better baby. As I write this, I am at home because she got a fever at daycare of 103 and and the teachers said it was rising when I picked her up. However, as is usual fashion, no crying, no whining, just her normal self! she is really just a pleasant baby to be around!

My mom and her granddaughters
my mom and Olivia

me, my mom, and my girls

The family and the pics of the girls in here pretty much match their personalities: bella is ms. independent and a bit sassy, Ava is just goofy, and olivia is a sweet little doll!

My mom and her granddaughters

me, my mom, and my girls

The family and the pics of the girls in here pretty much match their personalities: bella is ms. independent and a bit sassy, Ava is just goofy, and olivia is a sweet little doll!
More to come--I lost my camera in a Park bathroom in July when our friends the Turners were out visiting. So all the pics with them and our kids on it were lost. So there was a lag between then and getting my new point and shoot camera. I have a new camera now that I absolutely love so there will be more posts hopefully this weekend!